

Match the analogue and digital times.

You can progress through the activity and select smaller intervals.

Bedtime Bandits

The game works on one hour, half an hour, fifteen and five minute intervals.

The aim of the game is to match the digital time to the analogue time by shining a torch.

The clocks slowly fall to the ground acting as a timer.

How long from...

Find the difference between the two times on the clocks.

This activity would be great for a starter or plenary linked to problems. E.g. The shop opened at 1 o’clock and closed at 4 o’clock. How long was it open?

Analogue Time Worksheet Creator

Follow the link to create your own time worksheets. You can create o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past, five-minute interval worksheets or an amalgamation of them all. Instantaneous worksheets are created and you can re-enter the same specifications and get a list of different times.


Set the clock to the time written above.